Endurance Adventures Beating Rheumatoid Arthritis

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Law of Attraction

I 100% believe that we get in our lives what we attract. We cant choose every situation in life but we can choose how we react to them. A friend sent me the following information & I wanted to share it:) Have a great day!

Alchemy - Turning Fear into Love (Part 1)
Jim Self
a message from Jim Self
Sunday, 15 March, 2009 (posted 16 March, 2009)
1185 views, 1 comment - login or register to comment

Archangel Metatron describes alchemy as “Changing the frequency of thought, altering the harmonics of matter, and applying the elements of love to create a desired result.” Alchemy is more than just a process of transmuting base metals into gold… alchemy is the way to transmute fear into love. This is a way of living life with awareness and intention, returning us to a conscious relationship with Creator.

In this two-part series, let's explore Metatron's description of alchemy. In earlier articles we talked about the third and fourth dimensions and how we are living in both simultaneously. We established that 3-D is dense and rigidly structured, whereas 4-D is lighter and more flexible. Identifying the different aspects of each will allow you have a clearer understanding of where you are in your process so you can choose how to experience yourself and your reality. This is easy once you become aware of how thoughts and emotions work and what they create together.
Changing the frequency of thought

Thoughts are electrical and emotions are magnetic. When a thought is coupled with an emotion the combined energies become charged electro-magnetically, amplified and set in motion. If your reaction (emotion) to a thought is strong, the charge behind it increases. If your reaction is negative it may result in an angry outburst (discharge of emotion) or you may react by becoming offended, allowing that emotional energy to build inside of you.

Your beliefs color your thoughts and experiences and affect your emotions. This determines how you react to situations. Let’s imagine that you’re wearing a new outfit and someone says it looks funny on you. How would you respond? In 3-D (the dimension of extremes) you’d instantly react. The thought hits your emotional body and wham, you’re insulted. Even if the person only meant that it looked like a ‘fun outfit’, you’ve already coupled the thought with an emotion which generated a knee-jerk reaction. Now in a 4-D space, if somebody says “That outfit looks funny,” you’d simply pass over the word “funny”, attaching no judgment to it. You would respond rather than react or overreact. There is no victim or victimizer in 4-D consciousness. Feeling less-than or better-than are strictly third-dimensional attitudes and externalizations.

We are beginning to understand that the dimensions we operate in are subject to universal laws. The Law of Attraction is the law of cause and effect. This means that what you put out is what you get back. The universe is always reflecting or mirroring your vibration and your vibration is all about the way you feeeel. What you believe, think and feel, and what the Law of Attraction brings to you are always a match because like attracts like. If you don’t like what you’ve been attracting, then notice what thought or emotion you can change within you. A new perspective will help you shift your vibration. So reach for that higher feeling even if it is just a small increment above what you are currently experiencing.

Changing how you feel changes everything. If you choose to think higher thoughts and feel lighter emotions you will raise your vibration significantly and you will not find yourself gravitating back into old repetitive behaviors and thoughts of “I’m not okay.” When you interrupt a long-standing pattern (break the circuit) the energy flows backward and forward along the time-line changing the energy all the way back to the first time it happened. The energy is reset to the present-time, allowing you the room to move freely again outside the emotional box.

The Shift and it’s massive waves of light are assisting us to clear out our baggage (old structures and rigid patterns) and release all thoughts and emotions that simply have no value. And it is occurring very rapidly. So, learn to laugh at yourself and if you hear someone say, “Gee, that looks funny on you,” laugh and step up your energy a little to a happier place where you might say, “Yeah, I feeel fun when I wear it.”

When you change the frequency of thought - you begin to apply the tools of alchemy and transform fear into love. Next month we will explore the final two aspects of alchemy.

Turning Fear into Love, Part 2
Jim Self
a message from Jim Self
Wednesday, 15 April, 2009 (posted 16 April, 2009)
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“Alchemy is accomplished by changing the frequency of thought, altering the harmonics of matter, and applying the elements of love to create a desired result.” -- Archangel Metatron. “Alchemy is accomplished by changing the frequency of thought, altering the harmonics of matter, and applying the elements of love to create a desired result.” -- Archangel Metatron.

In Part 1, we explored the first aspect of Alchemy, “Changing the frequency of thought”, noting that alchemy is a way of life, not just the application of "magic". Let’s now look at the second part of Archangel Metatron’s definition of Alchemy.

Altering the harmonics of matter
Doing this is not complicated and in order to be successful it is absolutely essential to understand and master the combined result of thought and emotion, as we have already explored in Part 1. You must be able to observe without reacting, and allow your feelings to be at a higher vibration and have more fluidity.

Thought-forms are one small step removed from matter. Once dense enough, they materialize. If you are continuously holding negative thoughts of “Ain’t it awful”, they will become dense and soon drop into matter and show up in the world of form, many times as physical illness or emotional-mental imbalance. Therefore, changing those thought-forms is the first step in altering the harmonics of matter.

Changing the harmonics of matter requires changing the frequencies of thought. Start with that real ugly thought-form “I’m not okay” and simply let it begin to neutralize by not putting your attention and feelings into it. This is a huge step, particularly at this point of the Shift. Please refer to the previous article, "How to Enjoy the Shift" to learn the tool of the grounding cord. Asking "Where in my space do I hold the energy of "I'm not okay", noticing where the energy lies, then, draining it down the grounding cord will begin to change the harmonics of matter. You!

Applying the Elements of Love
According to Archangel Metatron there are only three vibrations of love in 3-D. The entire Cosmos—of which our universe is one tiny part—is composed of the frequencies of love, but here in the third dimension we use only three small frequencies out of that huge array:

1. The first frequency of love is the love you feel for your partner or your child. There’s nothing else like it on this plane. This vibration of love is a very fixed emotion.
2. The second frequency is agape or platonic love. It’s the kind of love you feel toward your best friend. You would do anything for that person. It’s not intimate and not conditional. This is a simple but important frequency.
3. The third frequency in 3-D is that of childlike wonderment and delight. It is the kind of love you feel when watching a child playing with a puppy. They’re in a grand state of total excitement, joy and laughter and you can enjoy that grand feeling right along with them. In that moment you experience your love for humanity.

In the third dimension we have access to only those three vibrations. However, when we step into the fourth dimension we experience two more frequencies of love:

1. The first is the feeling you get when you see awe-inspiring beauty such as the magnificent 25 hundred foot waterfall in Yosemite National Park or witnessing the glory of a sunrise or sunset. There are many variations within that frequency of love.
2. The second frequency of love involves the majesty and grandeur you knew as a Being before you came into this third-dimensional human body and had to separate from your higher self.

Part of the 3-D experiment was to experience yourself in the lower, denser frequencies so that when you return Home, the contrast would give you an even grander appreciation of all of the higher vibrations of love available. As you bumped around in 3-D and went deeper into fear and pain, you created a protective wall around your heart. You protected that grander part of yourself and hid your Internal Smile. By cutting yourself off from who you truly are, you lost your internal guidance system.

As you play and practice with these three aspects of alchemy you will create your desired result. You become aware of the way of life you used to live. You begin to trust and open your heart again. You become aware of that Internal Smile that resides within you. A huge awareness comes to you and you start to rediscover the connection with All That Is. You experience compassion, co-creation and cooperation. You begin to find alignment and your Internal Smile begins to take over your life. You begin to re-wire yourself and re-awaken. You reclaim that bigger, grander part of who you are.

That’s where true magic of alchemy lies.
Jim Self is an author, international speaker, and teacher of the Tools for Mastering Alchemy. This work is in co-creation with Archangels, Ascended Masters and Teachers of Light. Free DVD and Free Tele-Classes. Jim is presenting Free in-person classes and the weekend seminar, Creating the Personal Power Field around North America. www.MasteringAlchemy.com or 775-851-8950.
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