Endurance Adventures Beating Rheumatoid Arthritis

Friday, January 8, 2010

Can You Say Moo?

I can and I am "udderly" excited (please pardon the pun) for my new stint at giving of myself. I recently learned of the need of milk donors for human milk banks. Sometimes babies are born too early, so early that their little bodies can not tolerate anything but mommy's milk. Other babies are allergic to formula and are in need of breast milk. Breast milk contains antibodies to protect babies immature immune systems and other goodness that science has yet to mimic. Ideally mommy supplies their babies with this precious life sustain elixir but what happens when mommy is unable. That is where donation helps. Milk banks exist to save tiny lives.

So health survey's, medical release forms to allow my doctor & pediatrician to attest to the health of myself & the infant I am nursing and a few vials of blood later (must be sure they are giving good milk to these fragile babies) I am officially now a donor! I am so excited to be helping these tiny babies. The Bank I chose to donate to supplies local NICU's and my milk will go to preemies.

The biggest reason I am posting this post is not too brag or put a spotlight on myself. For that purpose I would rather not say anything at all. It is to spotlight a great need. I know I have lots of Milking Mommy friends out there most probably aren't even aware that this is a possibility. With my other babies I ended up "dumping" expressed milk. What a waste when it could have been saving lives! If it is something you want to look into let me know and I will get you the information on what is required.


Eric and Allana said...

That is AWESOME you are able to do that. I will have to keep that in mind when I have another baby.

Stacey said...

That is VERY cool!

Sonora said...

Oh my gosh! That is such a great idea. It is leaving me with a pit in my stomach though. I didn't know about this and just got rid of a ridiculous amount of frozen breastmilk. I would love to help spread the word on this! Is there some website or button or something I could post on my site?